
IPA Ethics & Compliance Committee held an ...

[JAKARTA] The 2nd IPA Ethics & Compliance Committee Annual Gathering was ...
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Closing Session: 42nd IPA Convex Ends with ...

The 42nd Indonesian Petroleum Association Convention and Exhibition (IPA Convex) ended ...
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President Widodo: Streamlining of Upstream Oil and ...

The government will continue to streamline rules and regulations related to ...
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Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Needs Continuous ...

The government and industry players must collaborate continuously in order to ...
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IPA will hold the 42nd of IPA ...

The IPA is proud to announce that the 42nd IPA Annual ...
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2018 IPA Lucheon Talks

[JAKARTA] It has become our tradition that each year the Indonesian ...
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IPA Participated in IBIB 2017

The IPA Board of Director, Tenny Wibowo, representing the IPA President, ...
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[JAKARTA] The upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia throughout 2017 ...
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Government Postponed the Oil & Gas Blocks ...

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has postponed the tender ...
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