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The Influence of Injection Microbe Clostridium SP. and Bacillus SP. to Changes the Physical Properties of the Fluid Reservoir and the Age of the Oil Well in X Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) is one of the methods used at the stage of tertiary recovery to improve oil recovery. Based on the successful a...

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Unlock the National Energy Challenge through the Analysis and Mapping of Petroleum Commercial Reserves and Productivity Index of Plan of Development in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

In 2016, oil price hit its lowest price at i.e., 43.14 US$/Bbl (average oil price in 2016) over the last 12years. Since then, the Petroleum exploratio...

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Minimizing Depth Uncertainties Through Effective Seismic Processing Strategies in a Complex Geological Setting– Unlocking Deeper Potentials Offshore Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

In this abstract, thorough comparisons of depth images are showcased originating from various strategies of velocity determination with diverse accura...

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Unveiling and imaging karst through refined wave field separation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

In this abstract, a case study from offshore Indonesia is discussed and examples are shown in a complex geological setting in a very shallow water env...

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Utilization of Condensate-to-Gas Ratio (CGR) and Productivity Data for Better Reservoir Management and Maximizing the Economic Value of Retrograde Gas Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Production data in the retrograde gas reservoir besides to determine the estimated ultimate recoveries and ensure deliverability, is resilient tool fo...

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The Application of PSDM VTI Method to Generate a Velocity Model That Can Solve the Mistacking Problem

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Complex geology setting and strong lateral velocity variations creates the mistacking problem in fault shadow area which happens due to lateral varyin...

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Success Gained from Renewal Plan of an Abandoned Discovery, Case Study of Thin Heavy Oil Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

XYZ field is located in the central part of Karim Small Fields’ (KSF) Block, southeastern of South Oman Salt Basin. The oil accumulation in this field...

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Hourly Immersed Acquisition and Processing of Magnetotelluric Method for Noise Reduction

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Magnetotelluric (MT) method is a geophysical method that can be used to image the subsurface using electromagnetic wave. The data result of MT acquisi...

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Overcoming Challenge of Remote Field’s Reactivation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Well Y-1, drilled by previous operator in February 1986, proved oil presence in Middle Gharif and was put on production in 1994 but later suspended in...

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Transformation to the New Norm: Integrated Concept of HSE and Social Aspects as Journey to Operation Excellence

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

In the journey to achieve excellence in operation from the Health, Safety, and Environment point of view, it becomes company strategy to define the co...

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Laboratory Study: Surfactant Composition and Concentration Optimization for Improving Heavy Oil Recovery Factor on Sandstone Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Heavy oil and Sandstone reservoir (oil wet) are challenges in the oil and gas industry. This would cause problems of oil production by conventional wa...

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Gas-In-Place Evaluation by Dynamic Material Balance Accounting for Non-Darcy Effect

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Static material balance (P/Z method) is often used to estimate gas initially in place (GIIP) for the reservoir management purpose. The P/Z method at a...

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Integrated Subsurface Study in Support of Determining Infill Well Locations, a Case Study of ABC Field (Oman)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

ABC field is located in the southern part of Karim Small Fields’ Block (KSF), southeast of South Oman Salt Basin. It was discovered in June 1991 by dr...

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Deconvolution Using Matlab Script to Identify Fault-Seal

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Faults are a break or planar surface in brittle rock across which there is observable displacement. Its movement is described as normal, reverse or st...

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Investment Analysis of Offshore Windfarms as an Alternative Energy Source for Oil Rig Generators

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

According to data released by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Washington DC, Indonesia is the 6th highest country in the world in terms of carb...

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Jack Up Utilization and Challenges of Plug and Abandonment Effectiveness of a Subsea Well at Natuna Sea Block

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Reviewing the effectiveness of Plug and Abandonment (P&A) work for an aged subsea well by utilization of jack-up rig in oil fields in the Natuna Sea b...

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Deepwater Drilling Solutions Dual Gradient Drilling Technology

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Dual Gradient Drilling (DGD) makes offshore drilling easier. In DGD the wellbore is drilled with two different density drilling fluids, seawater till...

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Estimation of Seismic Attenuation (Q): More Insight from Zero-Offset VSP

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Seismic attenuation is one of geophysical parameters that is often neglected or even excluded from routine evaluation of vertical seismic profiling (V...

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Application of Citrus Peel Extract as Potential Locally Derived Mud Additives for Drilling in Shale Formations

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Drilling in shale formations has a lot of challenges particularly on designing the mud. The use of Water Based Mud (WBM) in shale formations has assoc...

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Integrated Study of Down hole Water Sink Technology to Water Coning Development in Slightly Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Oil recovery can be significantly reduced by water coning. The most common cause of water coning is a large drawdown in the oil zone where the reservo...

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Injection of Rhamnolipid (Biosurfactant) from Genetically Engineered Thermus Aquaticus and Chemical Surfactant Following Hot Water Injection to Enhance Oil Recovery

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Rhamnolipid is a potent natural biosurfactant which has a wide range of potential applications, including enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The rhamnosyltr...

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Managing Challenges in the Fluid Characterization of Indonesia's First Deepwater Gas Condensate Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Fluid characterization is a very critical process for early stages of field development since it generates Equation of State (EOS) model which will be...

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How to Reduce Rod Pump Failures by 40% in 2 Years – The X Field Story

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

X field is one of the largest steam flood fields in the world, with over 6200 producers and 680 active steam injectors. Historically there have been c...

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Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) Performance Analysis using Fuzzy Expert System with Limited Surveillance Data in X Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

X Field is a mature waterflood field with huge number of production wells (>1,000 wells). Currently, 100% of wells are producing with Electrical Subme...

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New Liquid Overflow Handling System to Prevent Process Tank Fires

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

During the investigation of a recent process tank fire, it was determined that hydrocarbon gas was released through the malfunctioning and poor integr...

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Introduction to Residential ROV: New Concept of ROV for Oil and Gas Activities

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Currently, the requirements of advanced technologies for oil and gas operation becomes very much the focus of Subsea Operators and Clients alike. Rem...

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Contribution of Post-2000’s Petroleum Exploration in Indonesia to Some Issues of Tectonics: Solutions to Problems, New Knowledge, and Hydrocarbon Implications

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Application of a new Oil and Gas Law (Law No. 22 Year 2001) and Minister Regulation No. 40, Year 2006 (regulating direct tender/direct offer for acqui...

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Defining the Relationship Between Fault Throw and Fault Damage Zone Width from Seismic Data by Utilising Seismic Attributes.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Fault damage zones have been previously investigated in relation to various fault parameters. However, most of the previous research is outcrop-based...

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