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Field Summary - Kuti Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Ledok Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Lerpak Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Lidah Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Lusi Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Madura Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Metatu Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Metes Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Ngapus Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Ngasinan Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Nglono Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Nglobo Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Ngrayong Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Platungan Kalipiting Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Petak Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Poleng Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Sekarkorong Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Semanggi Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Soemenep Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Tawun Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Trembes Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Trembul Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Field Summary - Tungkul Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol IV, Java

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Geologic Setting, Location Map, Regional Seismic Line and Stratigraphic Framework - West Java and Northeast Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Seismic Atlas of Indonesian Oil and Gas Fields Vol II, Java, Kalimantan, Natuna & Irian Jaya

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Field Summary - Camar Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Seismic Atlas of Indonesian Oil and Gas Fields Vol II, Java, Kalimantan, Natuna & Irian Jaya

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Field Summary - Kawengan Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Seismic Atlas of Indonesian Oil and Gas Fields Vol II, Java, Kalimantan, Natuna & Irian Jaya

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Field Summary - Ledok Field, North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Seismic Atlas of Indonesian Oil and Gas Fields Vol II, Java, Kalimantan, Natuna & Irian Jaya

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Field Trip Guide, Central and East Java

Proceedings Title : Post Convention Field Trip 1993, Central and East Java

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Field Trip Guide, Central Java

Proceedings Title : IPA Field Trip 1998, Central Java

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Field Trip Guide, Geological Trip to Cepu Area for non-geoscientist personnel

Proceedings Title : IPA Field Trip 2003, Cepu Area

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Field Trip Guide, Central Java

Proceedings Title : IPA Field Trip 1989, Central Java

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Field Trip Guide, East Java

Proceedings Title : Post Convention Field Trip 1995, East Java

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Field Trip Guide, East Java

Proceedings Title : Post Convention Field Trip 1996, East Java

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Field Trip Guide, N. E. Java Basin, Miocene-Pliocene Sequence Stratigraphy

Proceedings Title : Post Symposium Field Trip 1995, NE Java Basin

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State of the Art Logging Selection to Explore Tight, Low Contrast, Hidden Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The recently drilled N-1 well by Pertamina EP Cepu Alasdara Kemuning in the Alas-Dara Kemuning Block in the East Java Basin benefited from advance log...

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Geomechanics Journey in the Western Part of East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Although East Java basin has been drilled since before World War II, drilling issues are still often encountered. These are mainly associated with wel...

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A Venture Into Early – Middle Miocene Clastics: an Exploration Opportunity in the Western Part Of The East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

A recent drilling of the N-1 exploration well by Pertamina EP Cepu Alasdara Kemuning (hereinafter abbreviated as PEPC ADK) in the Alasdara Kemuning Bl...

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The Use of Spectral Gamma Ray Log Analyses in Reservoir Evaluation and Wireline Formation Testing Strategy: A Case Study from the Mundu carbonate, East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The Mundu carbonate is a unique limestone reservoir composed of Globigerina forams specifically located in the Madura Strait area of the East Java Bas...

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Understanding Paleogene Sedimentation Environment in East Cepu High using Geochemistry Approach as Exploration Opportunity in North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

East Cepu High is one of Paleogene High in East Java Basin that is an ideal place for the development of Oligo-Miocene carbonate build-ups, which serv...

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Architectural Elements of Volcaniclastic Mass Transport Deposit of Banyak Member, Western Kendeng, East Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Understanding of deep water sedimentology is an important aspect of hydrocarbon exploration especially the prediction of the geometry, distribution an...

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Feasibility Study of Bioremediation of Oil Waste Contaminated Soil using Aerobic Bacteria at Wonocolo Traditional Oil Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Environmental pollution caused by petroleum exploitation activities can easily occur. Pollution that occurs includes, destruction of nutrient content...

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Single Well to Field Scale Secondary Porosity Characterization in Carbonate Reservoir of Tuban Formation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Unlike sandstone with their well characterized correlation of porosity and other reservoir properties, the heterogeneous pore system of carbonate rock...

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FSO Gagak Rimang: Implementation of a Risk Based Integrity Management Program

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) operates Floating, Storage and Offloading (FSO) Gagak Rimang which was converted from a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) M/T...

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On the Provenance of the Sepanjang Oils: Evidence from 3D Petroleum System Modeling

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

A comprehensive geosciences synthesis has been carried out of the petroleum system of the Kangean area and integrated into a 3D numerical basin model...

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Geochemistry of Mudi and Sukowati Oils, East Java Basin and Their Correlative Source Rocks: Biomarker and Isotopic Characterisation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The East Java Basin is one of the most productive oil basins in Indonesia, having been explored and produced for more than one hundred years. However,...

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Late Cenozoic History of Sulawesi

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Collision between an Australian continental promontory, the Sula Spur, and the SE Asian margin North Sulawesi volcanic arc began in the Early Miocene....

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Characters of Sedimentology, Rock Property, and Geochemistry of the Ngrayong and Tuban Formations in the Pati Trough, Onshore North East Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Exploration activities in the Pati Trough, onshore of North East Java Basin in the northern part where it is also situated in the Rembang Zone of the...

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Integration of Magnetotelluric and Gravity Method for Seismic Imaging in Volcanic Area Using Synthetic Data Modelling

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Hydrocarbon exploration uses various geophysical methods, and each method has their parameters that represent the different physical parameters in the...

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Re-Consideration of Hydrocarbon Migration in North Madura Platform Area, An Implication to the New Exploration Potential

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

North Madura Platform has been proven as a prolific hydrocarbon producer, located adjacent to two mature kitchens, namely the Madura SubBasin in the s...

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Mapping of Fractures and Its Implication on Exploration Potential of Oligo-Miocene Carbonate Interval, North Madura Platform

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The Oligo-Miocene carbonate interval is the major reservoir in North Madura Platform, East Java Basin. The interval comprises the CD and Kujung Carbon...

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