Result for 73 item(s)

Unlocking Potential of Low Resistivity Pay Sand, “Galaxy” Sand in “Andromeda” Field at WK Rokan: Further Opportunity and Challenges

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

“Andromeda” field is one of primary field located in Wilayah Kerja (WK) Rokan, PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan with first oil flowed in 1972. &ld...

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Uba Deep-1: Pre-Jurassic Petroleum System in Bintuni Basin, Papua, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The drilling of the Uba Deep-1 exploration well was completed in March 2019. The well was drilled with two objectives, 1) to explore the extent of the...

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Depositional Environment Model of Main Jurassic Sand in Ubadari Field, Eastern Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Reservoir presence is one of key risk in Ubadari Field. Understanding reservoir lateral extent and reservoir geometry are required to predict the rang...

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Clastic Plays in The North East Natuna Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The East Natuna Basin comprises several sub-basinal areas which formed during the Tertiary as a result of extension relating to the opening of the Sou...

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A New Discovery in The Limau Graben Trend: Air Benakat Formation Shallow Gas

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Many hydrocarbon fields in the Limau Graben trend were produced in the 1950s. That fields are mostly produced in the Talangakar Formation and Baturaja...

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Depositional Model of Muda Formation, East Natuna Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The current exploration in the Natuna Basin is focusing on the Muda Formation, as there have been shallow gas discoveries such as Dara and Tuna in the...

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De-Risking Exploration Well in A Mature Basin, Jabung Block, South Sumatra Basin: Application of Avo Analysis in A Sub-Unconformity Play

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The Late Oligocene to Late Miocene reservoir as well as basement in Jabung block has been proven filled by hydrocarbon. One of the unexplored interval...

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The Pematang Group Sand Analysis Using Growing Neural Network Machine Learning

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The Central Sumatera Basin (CSB) is one of Indonesia's giant mature basins and attractive hydrocarbon producers. P.T. Badan Operasi Bersama - Bumi Sia...

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Evaluation of Tight Injectivity for Sand Consolidation Treatment: A Study Case in Mahakam

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Most shallow reservoirs with unconsolidated formation have a higher possibility of sand production, which hinders the oil and gas production process a...

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Integrating Sedimentology and Petrography With Rock Typing and Flow Units: Implications for Low Contrast and Low Resistivity Reservoir Characterization

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The South Sumatra Basin is renowned as a prolific hydrocarbon area since the early era of oil. Resource discovery has declined since the early 21st ce...

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The First Horizontal Well in A-Field, A Gate to A-Block Rejuvenation in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

A pilot project has been proposed for a horizontal well with multistage fracturing targeting TLS sandstone formation, which could not be produced opti...

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Characteristic of incised valley deposit in the Abadi Field: A study of sedimentological feature from the conventional core

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The Abadi Field, located in the offshore Bonaparte Basin in the eastern part of the Timor Sea in eastern Indonesia, contains a significant gas column...

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Characteristics of The Upper and Lower Slope, Pliocene Turbidite Reservoirs in Deepwater Kutei Basin: Case Study of Jangkrik, Jangkrik NE, and Merakes Core Samples

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Discoveries in the deepwater Kutei Basin, Miocene interval, such as Gendalo, Ranggas and Gehem, triggered focused exploration activity in the area. Su...

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Arang and Gabus Formation Reservoir Core Description and Analysis: Impact on Production Performance in the Natuna Block-A, West Natuna, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

West Natuna Basin (WNB) is located in the center of the Sunda Shelf in the South China Sea, bordered by the Sunda Shelf's basement to the south, the N...

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Rokan’s Enigmatic Telisa Low Quality Reservoir, A Geological Perspective From Core

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Telisa Formation is a member of the Early Miocene Sihapas Group in Central Sumatra Basin. It was deposited in a marine setting and dominated by shale...

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Siliciclastic Reservoirs within Sepinggan Carbonate Sequences, A new Emergent Interval of South Mahakam Field, lower Kutai basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The MPT-1x exploration well has confirmed its discovery with initial targets in the Sepinggan Deltaic Sequences (SDS) interval. The well moreover conf...

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A Success Story in Identifying and Testing Strategy: Drilling The Stratigraphic Trap of Low-Resistivity Pay Reservoirs in the Upper Cibulakan Formation, Offshore Northwest Java Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore Northwest Java (PHE ONWJ), as the operator of ONWJ Production Sharing Contract (PSC) is a part of Pertamina EP that has...

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Sea Level Fall Reservoir Potential, Bangko Area, South Sumatra Basin: Guiding Hydrocarbon Prospectivity By Understanding Sedimentary Distribution

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The Bangko region in the western part of the South Sumatra Basin is a proven hydrocarbon producer in the Jambi province. Since PetroChina Indonesia ac...

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Exploring the Overlooked Seurula Potential in Arun Field; A Preliminary Study from Outcrops and Subsurface Data in North Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The Arun gas field was discovered in 1971 and came on stream in 1977. Hydrocarbon recovery is high, with approximately 14 TCF of dry gas has been prod...

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Paleocene Basin-Floor Fan Play Near Abadi Field, a New Exploration Play In The Arafura Sea, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The Paleocene basin-floor fan play in the Arafura area is a new play identified during recent study. The play has never been tested nor become an expl...

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Facies and depositional analysis of sandstone X in Gita Member Talang Akar formation, at Alpha Field, Asri basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 31st Ann. Conv., 2007

The Asri Basin is a result of intrabasinal faulting and folding. The basin has proven recoverable oil reserves. Alpha Field is located on North East o...

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Discriminating fluvial from deltaic channels - examples from Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 29th Ann. Conv., 2003

The successful exploration and development of hydrocarbons from channel reservoirs requires detailed knowledge of the external geometry and internal a...

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3D VSP finite-difference acoustic modeling to address advance seismic imaging challenges in Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya Barat

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

In this paper, we present a 3D VSP forward modeling study using finite difference acoustic modeling to obtain high resolution images of thin channel P...

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