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Low resistivity oil sands: PLTand Oco logs find by-passed oil and extend life of a mature well

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The mature BK-1 oil well was located on the BK field, southern side of Padang Island, Riau Province in Sumatra. The well was already producing for 22...

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Iron removal agent for polymer flooding project of Widuri-c

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

CNOOC is performing a Polymer Flooding as a tertiary recovery method by adding high-molecular-weight polyacrylamide into injected water, so as to incr...

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Avoiding congealing by rerouting high temperature high water-cut wells

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Several wells in Balam oil field experience congealing of the waxy crude oil in the flowline, whereby they could no longer deliver fluid to the Gather...

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The evaluation of water injection impact in fractured Basement gas reservoir by using mechanistic modelling approach

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The Suban gas field is located in the north western Corridor Block Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Area which is operated by ConocoPhillips Indonesi...

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NSO onshore turndown project: maximizing asset value

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

NSO is an offshore sour gas field in Aceh Production Operations which has been producing since 1999. Post 11 years of plateau rate, the production has...

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Analysis of condensate banking indication of “M” gas condensate reservoir from welltesting examination

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The condensate banking can be detected in certain gas reservoir/field. This evidence is also discovered in “M” gas field which is consist of several...

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Reservoir management through gas injection optimization in Upper Gabus Massive West – Kerisi field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

An integrated reservoir study was performed for the Kerisi – Hiu Field to optimize gas injection strategy. Kerisi – Hiu is located in Block B of the S...

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Flow point and leak point analysis of oil production well TLJ-237 using ultrasound logging method

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The discovery of large gas bubbles in the cellar of well TLJ-237 and its surroundings is a potential hazard that could inhibit repair work on the well...

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Searching for the key to consistent fracture-stimulation results in a low-permeability and high-temperature sandstone reservoir in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The Kuat oil field produces from the Lower Pematang formation at 6900 ft. The sandstone reservoir has porosity of 8-15% and a permeability of 2-5 mD....

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Optimizing success ratio of formation pressure measurement by measuring pressure while drilling at RR-015 well, Bunyu Field, North Kalimantan, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Bunyu Field is one of PT PERTAMINA EP’s oil and gas field backbone, located at North Kalimantan. The challenge of Bunyu’s geological setting is the sp...

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Perforation gain prediction by inflow characterization through historical PLT interpretation in mature offshore gas field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Peciko is a mature gas field located in offshore Mahakam delta, Indonesia. More than 150 development wells have been put on production since 1999 with...

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Preliminary study of epoxy-based polymer for water shut-off application

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

This research is the continuation of the suggestion from a representative in OGRINDO, a research consortium in the Bandung Institute of Technology und...

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Optimization of modeling and designing of hydraulic fracturing by selecting proppant type, proppant size, fracturing fluid and pumping rate in low permeability reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Hydraulic fracturing is essentially a fracture-generating technique performed through injecting fluid into formation and keeping the created fractures...

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Simulation studies on aquifer influence to reservoir production

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Determining how long a hydrocarbon field can be operated becomes an issue especially for the newly developed field due to the uncertainty of external...

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Introduction, basin geology, field locations and bibliography - North Sumatra and Natuna

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Alur Cimon Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Arun Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Batu Mandi Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Besitang Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Darat Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Gebang Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Geudondong Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Iee Tabue Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Julu Rayeu Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Kepala Gajah Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Kuala Dalam Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Kuala Simpang Barat Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Kuala Simpang Timur Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Merbau Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Paluh Tabuhan Barat Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Paluh Tabuhan Timur Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Pangkalan Susu Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Paseh Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Perlak Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Peudawa Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Peutouw Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Pulau Panjang Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Rantau Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Securai Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Serang Jaya Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Sungai Buluh Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Telaga Said Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Tualang Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Wampu Field, North Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Kepiting Field, Natuna

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - KH Field, Natuna

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Udang Field, Natuna

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Field Summary - Ikan Pari Field, Natuna

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol I, North Sumatra and Natuna

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Introduction, basin geology, field locations and bibliography - Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Aman Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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