Result for 458 item(s)

Cement slurry optimization for horizontal cementing prior to multistage stimulation in Sumatra Light North field, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Bangko Field in Sumatra Light North (SLN) area is contributing around 5% of the overall oil production in Sumatra. Bangko Field is mainly producing oi...

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Uncertainty analysis in infill wells using single match model and production data

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Reservoir simulation is a common tool for determining the optimum infill well numbers and placement for oil fields. However, reservoir simulation is a...

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Wax blockage removal: a modified micro annular pressure pulse technique for MWD subsea pipeline

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

EMP Malacca Strait S.A. in 2010 installed a 3-1/2” x 1200 m pipeline from onshore Well-1 to an offshore platform to deliver 1500 BFPD with a high wate...

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Best practice well candidate selection for workover

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Kurau (K) Field is located within the Padang Island of Malacca Strait Block, Riau Province, Sumatra. The field has already been producing oil for 23 y...

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Rifting and mountain building across Sundaland, a palynological and sequence biostratigraphic perspective

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

The broad Sunda region formed as a result of the rifting of fragments of Gondwana, their northward movement, and their collision with Asia from the Tr...

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Delineation of BK-3460 reservoir using 3D seismic interpretation and its implication to reservoir architecture, Pinang field, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Pinang Field has two adjacent, anticlinal closures with NW-SE trend, bounded by a thrust fault on the SW side of the trend. Early study on this field...

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Unlocking flexure oil pay in the ESE flank associated with mature peripheral waterflood in BK Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Following initiation of peripheral waterflood injection in 1997, oil production peaked at BK field in 2002. It is clear that water injection succes...

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Basement reservoir opportunity in Central Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

The Central Sumatra Basin (CSB) is one of the most hydrocarbon prolific basins in Indonesia. Most of hydrocarbons are produced from the structural tra...

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Integration of seismic attributte and sedimentation concept for paleogeographic and sand distribution modeling in Seng-Segat Field, Bentu Block, Central Sumatra Basin.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Reservoir occurrences and distribution drive strategy and development concepts for oil and gas fields. Therefore, it is important to identify the dist...

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Fault-seal analysis in Minas Field Area-1, Central Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Fault characterization, which is the focus of this paper, relates to the prediction of whether pressure communication or fluid flow is likely to occur...

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A case study of mangrove ecosystems: sustainable management

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Mangrove ecosystems are abundant on the coastline of Padang Island and the surrounding islets within the Malacca Strait PSC area. This unique ecosyste...

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ESP/gas lift as a hybrid artificial lift which successfully produces an exploration well with unknown GOR from an unconsolidated sand in Malacca Strait Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

TB-1 was the discovery well for a small oil Field located in a remote tropical forest in Sumatra, Indonesia, far from the closest production plant. D...

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Ups and downs dealing with thin-low resistivity Upper Sihapas sands in Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The Melibur oil and gas field was discovered in 1984 in the Malacca Strait PSC in Central Sumatra, Indonesia. The field contains oil and gas in the Up...

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Associated gas utilization from oil gathering station to gas plant, a Lean Sigma effort to increase gas production and eliminate flare gas

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

At a time when new economic reserves are extremely difficult to find in Indonesia, it is very important to ensure existing known resources are not was...

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Implementation of pump upsizing in SLO North sustain increased production performance and leads to world class reservoir management

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Pump upsizing jobs have historically been an effective tool for Proactive Routine Service to deliver oil gains. The objective of pump upsizing is to...

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Low resistivity oil sands: PLTand Oco logs find by-passed oil and extend life of a mature well

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The mature BK-1 oil well was located on the BK field, southern side of Padang Island, Riau Province in Sumatra. The well was already producing for 22...

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Avoiding congealing by rerouting high temperature high water-cut wells

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Several wells in Balam oil field experience congealing of the waxy crude oil in the flowline, whereby they could no longer deliver fluid to the Gather...

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Promising small structure discoveries in mature basins: a case study in the South Aman Trough, Central Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The South Aman trough (SAT) is one of the most prolific sub-basins in Central Sumatra. The proven excellent organic richness and source quality of the...

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Understanding stratigraphy framework (flow unit correlation) in “Laksamana” Sand in developing opportunity, case study: “Nasir” Field, “Lancang Kuning” Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

“Nasir” field is one of the mature oil and gas producers in “Lancang Kuning” Basin. The field is both structurally and stratigraphically complex. Thes...

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Facies distribution and reservoir characterization of the 2060'sd, Bekasap Formation, Sabak Field, Central Sumatra Basin.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Sabak is one of hydrocarbon fields which located in CPP Block, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. Each reservoir of Sabak has different production valu...

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Unlocking the high hydrocarbon potential in very low quality formations in the Bangko and Balam South East Field, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Telisa and Brown Shale Formation, commonly known as seal and source rock formation in Central Sumatra Basin, have been proven to hold a considerable a...

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Identifying bypassed oil by utilizing seismic attribute and environment of depositional concept in tide-dominated clastic reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Benar Field (Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia) is a pop-up anticlinal structure related to Miocene to Pleistocene tectonism involving a major transpre...

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Emergency response partnership in an area with various industries: a case study of emergency response management

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

EMP Malacca Strait S.A. (EMPMSSA) has been operating Malacca Strait PSC in two main areas: an offshore area at Lalang Strait and an onshore area at Pa...

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Basement reservoir play concept and its potential in Western Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Basement is generally non-productive and typically draws little attention from explorationists, because in most instances, basement has zero to very p...

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Linkage of fluvial-lacustrine facies in developing synrift deposit: simple outlook from Pematang Group, Central Sumatera Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The Central Sumatra Basin was formed during the Eocene - Oligocene as a series of north to northwest trending half-graben structures separated by hors...

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Introduction, basin geology, field locations and bibliography - Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Aman Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Andan Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Antara Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Balam South Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Balam South East Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Bangko Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Batang Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Bekasap Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Bekasap South Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Benar Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Benua Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Beruk Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Beruk North East Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Binio Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Blimbing Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Buaya Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Bungsu Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Cebakan Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Damar Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Duri Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Dusun Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - East Kayuara Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - East Merbau Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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Field Summary - Garuk Field, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Indonesia Oil and Gas Fields Atlas Vol II, Central Sumatra

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