Result for 143 item(s)

Cement Packer - Another Chance for 2nd Hand Late Life Medco E and P Offshore Field

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

South Natuna Sea Block B PSC (Block B PSC) is one of the key player in Indonesia for supplying gas demand to Singapore and Malaysia. After its acquisi...

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Reservoir Management Paradigm Shift Upon Successful Recent Drilling Well of Sungai Gelam Field, Jambi

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Sungai Gelam structure is one of the backbone brownfield structures supporting Jambi field oil productions. Geologically, Sungai Gelam is highly relat...

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First Application Drilling New Wells with HWU in Swamp Environment, Mahakam Delta

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Tunu is a mature giant gas and condensate field locate in Swamp Area on Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The field has been in developed for...

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A History of 50 years Deepwater Drilling Activities in Indonesia (1968 - 2020)

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Effort for overviewing deepwater drilling activities in Indonesia was done in 1992, which covered first activities back in 1968. However, no update si...

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The Shaped PDC Cutter and Special Bit Element Utilization to Improve Overall Drilling Performance in Hard Massive Carbonate: A Case Study of ERD Horizontal Well In Offshore East Java, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Drilling through hard massive carbonate formation combined with naturally induced torsional vibration due to bit-formation interaction is often result...

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Success story of integrated subsurface study to deliver a successful infill drilling: Buntal-5 case study

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Buntal is a mature gas field located in South Natuna Sea Block B PSC. The field was discovered by well Buntal-1 and delineated by appraisal well Bunta...

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First Application Micro Coiled Tubing in Indonesia it Offshore Mahakam

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

With a view to addressing the challenges of future offshore platform evolution, smaller footprint of coiled tubing set is required for pumping work i...

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Continuous Circulation while Drilling: A New Approach to Maintain Hole Cleaning and Improve Drilling Performance in Swamp Drilling Operation

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Swamp drilling operation in Mahakam has entered the industrialization period in which fast drilling is a common practice. However, fast drilling Rate...

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Rigless Remote Intervention: A Case Study of Combo Unit Utilization in Mahakam Offshore East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Mahakam block has been producing for over 40 years and now is in declining phase. Daily drilling and well intervention operations are still actively c...

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Millennial Green Drilling: Deliver More with Less (Solution to the Drilling Operations)

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the oil and gas industry, which required a rapid change on the way we deliver drilling activity and...

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One Phase Well (OPW): Unlock Shallow Reservoir Efficiently and Economically ay Eliminating Surface Casing

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Tunu is a mature giant gas and condensate field locates in Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The area has been developed for almost 30 years...

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Development and Improvement of Organic Salt Solutions of Potassium Citrate As An Environmentally Friendly Completion Fluids for Oil and Gas Wells

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

This article provides information on the utilization and development of colloidal formulations based on organic potassium citrate, an alternative, env...

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Seismic Forward Modeling of Semberah Fluviodeltaic Reservoir

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Semberah field’s infill drilling activity to increase its recovery has been generally challenging because of limited seismic information to support th...

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The First 3 Re-Drill Drilling Wells Performances to be Utilized as Key References to Drill Another 4 New Wells of The Sapi Re-Activated Development Drilling Wells in East Kalimantan Area

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

This paper discusses the drilling operations performed on the first 3 drilling wells of the Sapi Re-Activated Development Drilling Wells with PT Hulu...

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Optimized Production Perforation With Hydrocarbon, Water, and CO2 Detection By Means of an Innovative, Portable, and Cost-Effective Gas Analyzer, A Case Study From Belanak Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

This paper presents the successful application of the Advanced Mass Spectrometer (AMS) technology in drilling wells targeting oil bearing reservoirs w...

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Customized HPWBM Using Dual Brine System to Provide Wellbore Stability in Exploration North Madura Offshore Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The Water-Based Mud (WBM) system was planned to be used in drilling at Offshore North Madura, Indonesia. However, a review of offset wells found they...

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A Comprehensive and Systematic Reservoir Performance Prediction Workflow in Tangguh Ubadari Field, Delivering a Confidence in Unlocking Resource Progression and Prediction Forecast

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Tangguh Field is located in Bintuni Bay, Papua Barat Province, Indonesia. Tangguh development was commenced following successful exploration program i...

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An Effective Method to Improve Borehole Tortuosity and Tripping Out Speed in Interbedded Lithology Using Dual Cutting Eccentric Reamer in Swamp Drilling Operation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Handil field in Mahakam block has crowded wells and scattered reservoirs in which typical 3D trajectory such as S-type trajectory need to be done to r...

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Material Selection Optimization Leads Significant Cost Saving in South S Field Drilling Campaign Central Sulawesi

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

S Field which consist of North S and South S is located in Central Sulawesi. The S field had gas discovery through successful drilling exploration wel...

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Successful Remedial of Collapsed Conductor Pipe With Collision Issue in Offshore Jack Up Operation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

In 2020-2021, a drilling campaign was planned in Santan Field as further development of the field. Five wells were proposed including Well-31 to drill...

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Abating Carbon Emissions in Jack Up Rig Operations: A Case Study in Offshore East Java, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The oil and gas drilling industry contributes to the release of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially carbon emissions from the combustion of fuel, and w...

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Metamorphosis of MPD Method in Managing Combined Risks of Wellbore Stability, Loss Circulation and Narrow Pressure Window in Highly ERD Carbonate Wells in Offshore East Java, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Drilling into naturally interbedded depleted carbonate formation often causing various operational problem i.e loss circulation, wellbore instability...

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Uba Deep-1: Pre-Jurassic Petroleum System in Bintuni Basin, Papua, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The drilling of the Uba Deep-1 exploration well was completed in March 2019. The well was drilled with two objectives, 1) to explore the extent of the...

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Seismic Attributes Application in Horizontal Drilling of Gas-Filled Carbonate Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Understanding the heterogeneous nature of carbonates in oil & gas remains a challenge even in mature fields. In the development stage of carbonate...

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Impact of High-Performance Water Based Mud (HPWBM) Usage to Geological Data Acquisition: Case Study Suban Field South Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

Thick shaley overburden sections such as the Telisa Formation are one of the main challenges for drilling wells in the Suban Field. Prior 2012, water-...

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Success Story of Integrated Reservoir Management to Deliver Excellent Workover and Well Intervention (WOWI)Activities to Maintain Flattening Production in Mature Field “A”, PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

To arrest the natural decline of oil production in mature fields, one option is to drill new wells. Drilling a new well in a mature field will have ch...

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Advanced Sidetrack & Cementing: Dual Casing Exit & Remedial Reverse Cementing on PHKT Offshore

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The well target was originally planned to be drilled from a new well slot, but a reassessment concluded to use an existing well slot for re-drill opti...

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Improving Bunyu Field Drilling Performance with Comprehensive Wellbore Stability Maintenance Strategy and Optimized Drilling Practices

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The BP2-18 well in Bunyu was successfully drilled to 8-1/2” hole section well TD at 2681 m MD in 15.3 days and successfully cemented with a 7&rd...

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Minimizing Carbon Emission of Jack Up Rig Operation Through Front-End Well Engineering Approach to Punch-Through Risk in Green Gas Field of Offshore East Java Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Nowadays, gas field development is playing an important role in the petroleum industry to produce lower carbon emission in supporting energy transitio...

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Converting a relief well to become a production well in PHE ONWJ, a world’s first offshore drilling case history.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Two main things needed to be scrutinized before treating the blowout at well YYA-1: to stop the flow as efficiently as possible, and to minimize the e...

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Confirming A Successful Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling Operation – Improved Understanding and Anticipate Key Aspects Since Planning to Execution

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling (PMCD) is a technique commonly implemented in wells with heavy drilling fluid losses, while allowing safe and efficient d...

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The First Horizontal Well in A-Field, A Gate to A-Block Rejuvenation in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

A pilot project has been proposed for a horizontal well with multistage fracturing targeting TLS sandstone formation, which could not be produced opti...

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Managing Subsurface Structural Uncertainty Through Seismic Optimisation And Real-Time Drilling Data: A Success Story In Half Graben Reservoir Block Of Tilan Field, WK Rokan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The complex structural framework of the Central Sumatra Basin (CSB) has resulted in a transtensional compartmentalisation in mostly oil fields in WK R...

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First Implementation of Hybrid Fiber Optic Cable in Indonesia – Carbon Reduction through Leading-Edge Technology

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

The new technology for acquiring Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) survey using a distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) measurement is very beneficial in...

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Exploration Strategy in the Remote Area with Complex Structure and Many Surface and Subsurface Challenges in the onshore West Papua, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

Exploration of oil and gas is a high-risk business, therefore, a good and proper strategy for exploration must be well prepared to address the risk an...

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Single trip multi-zone gravel-packing - a case study - Total E&P Indonesie - on Handil, Bekapai, Sisi and Nubi Fields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Cased Hole Sand Control techniques have been applied in Indonesian fields for many years using simple stacked gravel-packs. While comporting limited t...

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Conoco's success with support activites for their slimhole helirig operations, Irian Jaya - a case history

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 15th Ann. Conv., 1986

With the high cost of oil exploration in remote jungle regions, the Petroleum Industry has been forced to look for new and more cost effective methods...

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Preventive Strategies to Minimize Well Collision for Drilling a Well with a Separation Factor Below 1: A Success Story from Offshore North West Java Operation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

ELG-X was drilled from an existing platform, necessitating the wellpath to pass within close proximity of an adjacent well with an SF of 0.79. An SF b...

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Illuminating the Dual Casing Exit Operation’s “Blind Spot” With a Supervised Machine Learning Model to Improve the Milling Roadmap in Offshore Mahakam

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

As one of the mature fields in Indonesia, Offshore Mahakam’s executives are always exploring for new ideas to be developed which could optimize...

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An Innovative Design of WHP To Secure 2022 Drilling Campaign Readiness and Bronang Gas PIS In 2023

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

It has been a common practice to conduct drilling activity on an installed wellhead platform after it is fully completed. This means that platform top...

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Journey of Exploration Discovery in the Emerging Play Within East Java Basin, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The East Java Basin stands as a prolific Tertiary Basin, contributing to the production of oil and gas up to 4 BBOE. This mature basin necessitates in...

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Integrated Geomechanical Modelling for Successful Offshore Exploration Well Planning and Execution - A Case Study from Sebuku, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Drilling in an exploration area is challenging due to limited geological information which is crucial for well planning and drilling optimization. Thi...

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HSE and Operation Management in Critical Covid-19 Pandemic: Success Story of M Fields Development Drilling Campaign

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

On 2 March 2020, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) announced the Corona Virus (Covid-19) first case, marking the beginning of the pandemic crisis in I...

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