
Stratigraphic traps defined by seismic data: a case study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

Seismic data often exhibit characteristics which can reveal important information about lithology and stratigraphy in the subsurface. Therefore, special attention should be given to any changes in seismic character. Assuming the data to be reasonably noise-free, such changes may be considered as an indication of fluid content or facies change.A case study of the KL field, offshore northwest Java, demonstrates the stratigraphic trapping potential of several zones within the field. Stratigraphic traps are found within the Lower Miocene Batu Raja Limestone and within some of the Middle Miocene sandstone reservoirs of the Main Member of the Cibulakan Formation. Reflection continuity, relative amplitude and waveshape change are the primary parameters investigated in this study and used for defining the extent of the stratigraphic accumulations. 'Peak-to-trough analysis, using an in-house IBM 4341 computer with available Atlantic Richfield software, support the interpretation. Seismic response to shallow gas, constituting a potential drilling hazard, is demonstrated.

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