
3D Strike-Slip Fault Model in Kendeng Zone Using Data Combination of Structural Geological Mapping and Analogue Sandbox Modeling: A Case Study of The Kedungjati Fault, Grobogan District, Central Java Province

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Kedungjati, Grobogan District, Central Java Province tectonic setting is dominated by the structural pattern of thrust faults manifold imbricate and folds. It is likely being influenced by compressional tectonics in Kendeng Zone. This zone was formed due the subduction of Eurasian Plate and Indo-Australian Plate, with the movement of the main stress direction trending N-S. The purpose of this investigation is to understand the historical movement of Kedungjati Fault by conducting structural geological mapping in Kedungjati Area through the appearance of minor faults, joints and folds at 169 observation stations. The investigation includes Adopted Analogue Sandbox Modeling (ASM) method for more convincing evidence to determine the actual mechanism of Kedungjati faulting. The ASM is using compressional setting with tectonic transport trend is N-S and assisted by basement configuration. The ASM model is successfully mimicked the process of strike-slip faulting in accordance with the field observations. It is described as a strike-slip fault that regionally moves to the left and the thrust faults formed during basement mobilization were also recorded. The ASM methods are performed with two trial prototypes. The first prototype are using two experiments with 1 by 4 layers plus basement model. The second prototype are 2 experiments with model 2 by 3 layers plus basement. Based on field data and laboratory analysis obtained from geological map, shows thrust faults and folds have W-E trend, and strike-slip faults and oblique faulting have SSW-NNE trend. The evidence indicates that the direction of main stress is North-South. The laboratory data from ASM modeling shows sinistral strike-slip fault model that formed simultaneously with a thrust fault with gradual in the direction of tectonic transport known as the leading imbricate fan.

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