
A business planning approach that integrates asset management, strategic planning and technology planning

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI) has developed a business planning approach that uses three processes to integrate and align the overall vision and mission of the company with specific goals and tactical plans of its various business units. The processes address asset management, strategic planning, and technology planning.The asset mmiagement process is used to identify, classify and value assets. The asset information is critical for aligning strategies, organizational structure and resources around those assets that add the most value to the Company. The asset management process thus drives the subsequent development of the strategic and technology plans.The strategic planning process makes use of the asset information along with assessments of the external and internal business environment to develop specific strategies that CPI will pursue to achieve its vision. It is developed on the premise of sustaining the business and adding maximum value for CPI's shareholder companies, Pertamina, and the Government of Indonesia.One process that CPI has focused improvement efforts on recently is the technology planning process. The technology planning process has been linked with the asset management and strategic planning processes to ensure that technologies pursued add value to the Company and support both strategic and tactical plans. The technology plan identifies the portfolio of technologies needed to accomplish strategic and tactical plans, prioritizes the technologies and establishes the link to potential technology suppliers.Together, these three processes form the core of CPI's business planning approach that is hoped will result in sustaining the value delivery of CPI to its shareholders, Pertamina and the Government of Indonesia.

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