
A Journey to Improve and Manage Young Peripheral Waterflood in “Ketabahan” Field With Subsurface and Surface Challenges

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

This paper describes the journey of reservoir management effort performed by Asset Team to optimize production of Light Oil Peripheral Waterflood Ketabahan Field where multiple challenges exist. The oilfield itself consists of three regions with shared gathering station facilities and featured with Terimakasih and three Berkah Reservoirs.

The journey was initiated by recognizing the challenges which will be further characterized later stage. Surface challenges covers produced water handling issue, injection, and production line network, etc. Subsurface challenges include reservoir pressure issue, scale precipitation and several given conditions (low-quality reservoir, limited number of reservoir target). Having identified the challenges, the next effort was to generate a shaping plan which acts as blueprint for longer term optimization guidance. Next, team engaged multifunctional stakeholder team to communicate the plan and finally bring several of executable plans into execution stage which covers activities such as increasing injection rate, debottlenecking, performing required studies, temporary solution to produced water handling issue, scale mitigation, maturation of well conversion and new injection well project as well as future producer-injector alignment once complete peripheral waterflood scheme is achieved.

Despite the journey is evergreen, it shows improving results. The team managed to arrest production decline rate which eventually adds more reserve, injection rate was also increased after series of optimization and debottlenecking effort and more importantly team’s awareness of field strength and weakness points has been improved which in turn impact to the way the team generate technical recommendation for field optimization.

The team believes that sufficient reservoir management in oil fields is a holistic approach of subsurface and surface combination efforts instead of partial one. Once this mindset is applied, a better way to look at pitfalls and potentials of the field will be much clearer and bring up optimum production optimization outcome.

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