
A New Insight of Hydrocarbon Potential of Stratigraphic Trap on Keutapang Formation, North Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

North Sumatra Basin is one of the most explored basins in the western part of Indonesia. Several plays have been developed in this basin such as carbonates, also clastic sediments. One of the most interesting reservoirs was formed during Late Miocene located in the Lower Keutapang. The Keutapang Formation was deposited overlying the Baong Formation with the lithology of shaly-sand in the upper part, while the lower part has dominantly sand lithology which is potentially to be the reservoir. Because of its unique characteristics of the Lower Keutapang Formation, several methods have been used to give a better understanding of the study. The seismic stratigraphic method has been used to capture geological play phenomenon which is very important as a foundation of the petroleum system. Due to the limitation of seismic resolution, seismic attribute has also been applied simply to enhance thin layer using loop reconvolution, spectral decomposition, and RGB blend. Loop reconvolution is used to optimize the frequency to enhance its appearance. Seismic spectral decomposition basically takes an advantage using low frequency components of reflected seismic waves which beneficial at its capabilities in subsurface imaging. RGB blend helps show the presence of lithology variation by assigned each magnitude using specific color and intensity. The final product of the study will generate potential sweet spot which will be guided by the outcomes perspective of the methods. Furthermore, the reservoir distribution and petroleum system is also explained specifically for Langkat Sub-basin, North Sumatra Basin.

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