
A new technique for production logging in standard ESP completions

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Production logging in wells with electric submersible pumps (ESP) is normally achieved through instrument tubes installed alongside the pump assembly. The tube allows logging tool access to the formation while the pump is running thereby enabling well production parameters to be recorded with the well in its normal operating condition. The tube has to be at least 2.0 in internal diameter. This can lead to restrictions in ESP outside diameter or a need for larger casing sizes. With 7 casing and 4.56 OD ESPs used for the Melibur field development, this normal system is not possible.This paper explains how by using a specially developed assembly, designed to be run with the ESP completion, a production log was obtained in development well MSJ-16. The design, development and testing of the special logging equipment and its successful application in ivell MSJ-16 are covered in this paper.

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