
A Tip Screenout Fracturing pilot in a shallow heavy oil steamflood

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI) is evaluating the feasibility and economics of performing Tip Screenout Fracturing (TSO) treatment in the shallow, unconsolidated Rindu sandstone formation of the Duri Steamflood Field (DSF). A pilot project utilizing four cased-hole wells in the Rindu steamflood pilot area was performed. The primary objective of this technique was to increase the productivity of a casedhole well so that it matches or exceeds the productivity of an open-hole gravel pack well. The secondary objective was to evaluate the ability of resin-coated proppant in the fracture to control sand production. The other desired outcome is to have the ability to isolate intervals by casing all wells and eliminating gravel-pack screens for steamflood management.Most wells in DSF are open-hole gravel-packed completions. Previous studies had shown that casedhole gravel packs did not perform as well as the openhole completions. Cased-hole gravel-pack wells produce about 60% of the fluid of open-hole gravelpack wells 4). However, industry experience worldwide has shown that cased-hole frac packs normally out perform open-hole gravel packs. This provided the incentive for trying the TSO pilot study. A four well pilot project was selected in the Rindu Pilot area. These wells were selected in an attempt to make a direct before and after comparison between a casedhole gravel pack and a TSO treatment. The four-well pilot project was performed between December, 1995 and January, 1996.

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