
Acid fracturing stimulation treatments in the Arun field - a case study of the results

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

For the last several years, well stimulation has been performed in the Arun field in North Sumatra, Indonesia in order to reduce or remove near wellbore formation damage and also to stimulate the lower permeability zones. Study of the treatment techniques and results is a never ending process since the stimulation jobs are continually performed.One of the main parts of the stimulation program in the Arun field is the well candidate selection and prioritization. This is in addition to the selection of methods and chemicals used in the treatment itself. Well candidate selection determines the feasibility of performing a stimulation job on a well and assists in the prioritization according to economic factors.An approach to selecting well candidates for acid fracturing stimulation based on the formation properties is described in the following paper. The method is capable of predicting the well performance following a stimulation job.

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