Analysis of Pre-Production Well Testing Data from North Belut Gas Condensate Reservoir
Year: 2010
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010
The North Belut Field is located in the South Natuna Sea Block B PSC, approximately 65 km northeast of the Belanak production hub. Six North Belut exploration and appraisal wells were drilled between 1974 and early 2001 helping to delineate a large gas-condensate field primarily within the Udang and Gabus formations. The field is being developed from two wellhead platforms located in the south western and north-eastern areas of the hydrocarbon accumulation. Drilling of production wells commenced in late 2008 and production commenced in Q4 2009. To help narrow the range of performance uncertainty and help in developing the field in an optimal manner, the pre-production drilling program has included a targeted data acquisition program including logging, acquisition of formation pressures (MDTs), fluid sampling, well testing and production logging. The program was designed to help in the understanding of the recognized uncertainties: sand connectivity, fluid (PVT) distribution and reservoir quality. This paperdiscusses the results of the testing and productionlogging program and the incorporation of those results into mechanistic and full field simulation models. The paper also present how these models will be used to help assess the impact of the reservoir connectivity and the in-situ fluid PVT on the forecast recovery and how this understanding is helping with future development decisions.
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