
Application of a scaled, three-dimensional high-pressure physical model to steamflooding

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 17th Ann. Conv., 1988

This paper presents the results of steamflooding experiments using a three-dimensional scaled, physical model. Twenty-four experiments were performed to study the effects of production completion intervals, low quality steam injection, stepwise decrease of heat input, and addition of nitrogen on oil recovery.Completing the production well in the lower half of the formation produced more oil than that produced by completing the well in the full interval of the formation. At constant water throughput, a decrease in steam quality resulted in a decrease in oil recovery. A 4.5% decrease of heat input and a 10% increase in water throughput maintained oil production at about the same level. A stepwise decrease of either steam quality or steam injection rate did not improve oil recovery. After steam breakthrough, the addition of a small amount of nitrogen to the injected steam increased oil recovery.

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