
Application of Geographic Information System for Exploration Activities in South Sesulu PSC

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Technical Symposium, Indonesia Exploration: Where From - Where To, 2016

PT. Saka Indonesia Sesulu (SIS) is a relatively new national oil and gas company. Formed in 2013, SIS acquired the operatorship of South Sesulu PSC from Hess Indonesia in early 2014. Located in offshore Makassar Strait, South Sesulu PSC is currently still in Exploration period with one discovery well namely SIS-A #1 that was drilled and tested in March 2015. Since the PSC was signed in May 2009, Geographic Information System (GIS) technology has been an integral part of South Sesulu Exploration activities. GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing issues that exist or events that happen on earth. By integrating common database operations such as query with visualization and geographic analysis, this technology offers capabilities of describing events, predicting outcomes, or planning activities. By optimizing limited amount of data, geoscientist use GIS tool extensively to create Charge, Reservoir and Seal Common Risk Segment (CRS) maps using advance Spatial Analysis techniques. GIS tools was also being utilized to validate play chance maps against post-well results, analyzes basin activity over time, analyze basin and play volume statistics, create creaming curves, and estimate yet-to-find (YTF) or undiscovered resources. This paper will illustrate how GIS Best Practices have been employed in Saka Indonesia Sesulu, from planning and execution of 550 km square 3D Seismic Survey to Rig Move monitoring activity. GIS has also helped explorationist to effectively distinct trends, find patterns and anomalies of surface and subsurface structures. GIS allows people from multi-discipline and different backgrounds to collaborate easily, and contribute to the success of exploration in South Sesulu PSC.

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