
Application of Novel Doped Nanomaterial Resin to Increase Sand Consolidation in a Loose Sandstone Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Sand production is a major problem in the petroleum industry. Most fields located in Kalimantan Island experience severe sand problems. Various methods and techniques including mechanical and chemical methods have been proposed but some have failed and some have been ineffective in controlling sand production. Traditional sand control methods tend to solve sand production problems but cause a significant drop in the value of the permeability of the reservoir. This study comprises of the evaluation of a new chemical composition to consolidate the loose sand at their contact point so that it can withstand the drag forces induced by the reservoir fluids and other induced forces. The proposed chemical used is the combination of nano silica and resin. This study is focussed to study the effect of concentration to the compressive strength of the injected core. Permeability is then measured to make sure that there is no significant reduction in the permeability of the core.

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