
Breaking the Limit: Production and Recovery Enhancement in Mature Heavy Oil Field by Hydrocarbon Sweet Spot Identification Using Integrated Ggrp Approach: Case Study Bentayan Brown Field, South Sumatera

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The Bentayan oil field was discovered in 1932 through an exploration well, Bentayan-1 which was tested over 661 BOPD. Waxy and asphaltic crude with a 19.1 °API and high pour point temperature, 34 °C, was identified from Talang Akar Formation (TAF). Bentayan has been developed and produced for more than 50 years during which total cumulative production of 31 MMSTB and peak production of 5843 BOPD in 2001 were achieved. Low quality crude, high viscosity, waxy, and asphaltic, combined with aggressive aquifer and highly heterogenic bring forth challenges for unlocking hidden opportunity and minimizing the unswept area.

This paper presents a comprehensive study to statistically model the “sweet spot” which is critical in improving the success ratio of future infill well and workover program by focusing on highly prospective area. Based on the last drilled wells in 2021, the facies distribution is now can be specified into distributary channel, mouth bar, crevase splay, and flood plain that can be distinguished by thorough evaluation of log data which then corroborated by core analysis and sequence stratigraphy concept. Pressure analysis obtained from several latest drilled wells was used to elaborate more about connectivity of complex channel and the existence of multiple contacts. Production history from the past was systematically analysed to generate several statistics colaborating previous analysis to create a more robust approach and increase the technical confidence of our model.

As to this day, the technique was proven to be quite effective and successful in Bentayan oil field. Hence, current technique will be used to initiate future development plans and will be continuously updated based on newly acquired data.

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