
Business Process Reengineering And Improvement Of Well Delivery Process In Offshore Drilling Project

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Business Process in Drilling & Wells Organization, commonly known as the Well Delivery Process (WDP), is a vital aspect of the lifecycle within drilling projects. While WDP may vary between oil and gas companies, delays within a specific company can result in significant issues. The challenge is particularly notable in the planning phase, marked by prolonged timelines that affect overall planning and execution processes. These delays in the planning phase pose various risks, including increased costs, inefficient procurement, potential resource idle (equipment, manpower), risk of exploration strategic setbacks, and delays in well onstream production that can hinder operational timelines and revenue generation. This study aims to create an efficient WDP by adopting the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Business Process Improvement (BPI) framework, especially from an industrial engineering perspective. It addresses the challenge through a comprehensive issue identification phase that integrates root cause analysis. This method aims to understand the intricate causes behind time-related challenges within the WDP, laying the foundation for subsequent stages. The study then progresses to the utilization of fundamental tools from BPR and BPI, strategically addressing and improving identified challenges. The research was conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively, with data gathered from observations, an extensive literature review, and analysis of delivery time data from various wells. This research suggests improvements that enhance efficiency in the WDP of drilling project. Nevertheless, the study successfully addresses the root causes of issues potentially causing delays in completing the WDP, offering strategic recommendations, and introducing a new, more streamlined, and efficient WDP workflow.

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