
Case history of successful hydraulic fracturing in Northern Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 16th Ann. Conv., 1987

Hydraulic Fracturing has been proven to be an economically sound technique for increasing the production of Northern Sumatra oil field wells. This paper explains the theory and technique of the stages involved in successful application of hydraulic fracturing. The job design, execution and evaluation of fracturing are demonstrated by example well case studies.The sequence of fracturing described in the paper includes candidate selection, considering recoverable reserve to warrant economic payback. Calibration treatment with pressure decline analysis is presented to obtain in-situ fluid efficiency, fracture geometry and resultant optimum sand schedule. The result of temperature survey is'explained to identify the fracture height containment. A main fracturing execution utilizing a dual viscosity delayed crosslinked polymer system with frac sand is4iscussed. An evaluation by pre and post-frac well test data analysis is also presented.

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