
Changing New Paradigm on HSE Perspective: The Transition from Project to Production Phase

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

During the transition phase from project to production, higher attention to HSE is required to ensure that the work runs safely. The need for this higher level of attention may be caused by the changing of the management system implemented at the site from the contractor's to the company's system. The difference in cultural behavior in safety during the project phase due to multiple stakeholders, different philosophies and insufficient coordination will require a strong platform during the transition to the company’s management system. The transformation requires improvements to the system and implementation of a strong HSE management system. This will lead to increase personnel awareness of HSE matters which will reflect on behaviors, leadership, accountability and attitudes during the commencement of work in the production phase. The HSE Management System shifts the scope from Project to Production phase. The broader scope of Production will lead to the requirement for a comprehensive HSE management system and the need for its early preparation during transition phases, such as assurance of local permit compliance, control of work including personnel training & competency mapping, specific risk assessment, emergency preparedness and management of contracts (including the Contractor HSE qualification). Furthermore, the HSE governance framework as part of the control of work element of the HSE management system will be enhanced to fill the gap of the risks assessed during production activities. Development of culture will be elaborated to knowingly program the participation of each member of personnel and trigger the change of paradigm to self-awareness of safety. This paper will determine how the changing of phase activity (from Project to Production phase) had influenced the concept of HSE Management System implementation and covers the improvement of system (scope and implementation), development of transition plan (HSE governance) and behavior based safety (strengthen the assurance process and culture development). It is part of operations readiness and the preparation of an effective HSE framework before the facilities handed over to the Company.

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