
Comparing Cable and Cableless 2D Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing in South Sumatera: Operation and Data Quality

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Technology in land seismic data recording nowadays is divided into two types: cable system which is commonly used and cableless system that is introduced to the market in the last decade. The use of cableless system gives a new perspective in operation of seismic data acquisition. In this paper we present the use of cableless system in one of PT Medco E&P Indonesia’s 2D seismic acquisition projects in South Sumatera. We compare between the cable vs cableless system and concentrate on field operation, processing and the data quality. Cableless system gives a flexibility in field operation when we are confronted to social and permit problems. The operation has advantages in lesser manpower and faster crew movement than cable system. So it can reduce accident risk. Beside that advantages, however, the cableless instrument is prone to be stolen which is common in South Sumatera. The loss of instrument means loss of the data. For the data quality, cableless system has disadvantages since its shooting system can be categorized as blind shooting, it cannot controls the noise during recording. The cable system, in general, has better data quality in term of noise control and data loss while cableless system need a limit of permissible noise level and specific number of dead traces. Seismic data processing for cableless data need more effort in noise suppression due to noisier data than in cable seismic data. In PT Medco E&P Indonesia case, 2D seismic acquisition in Rimau Block, South Sumatera conducted in 2012-2013, by using cableless seismic acquisition has reduced manpower and faster crew movement. This leads to reduction in accident risk. Cableless system also gives a flexible operation when we are faced to social and permit problems. From the noise and dead/lost trace point of view, cable system’s seismic data quality is better than cableless system.

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