
Comprehensive Fracture Evaluation Using Wireline Borehole Imager and Array Acoustic Tools

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Unconventional reservoir has become more interesting as additional play system of conventional reservoir. Fractured basement as unconventional reservoir has high potential for development in future. The challenges are to identify fracture existence, fracture networks, fracture aperture and fracture permeability profile. In addition, Gamma Ray, Resistivity, Neutron and Density logging tools could not identify fracture features. This paper will present the evaluation of fracture basement using advance wireline logging tools. The advance wireline logging tools being deployed are high resolution electrical imager combined with acoustic imager and the array acoustic tools. The imager evaluated the fractures across the wellbore. The imager evaluation resulted fractures orientation, fracture strike, fracture density, apparent dips relative to borehole azimuth, classification of open and closed fractures. From the array acoustic tool, the data was processed for Stoneley reflectivity and permeability profile. The Stoneley permeability profile could indicate open fractures. Both Stoneley reflectivity and permeability profile are in agreement with the borehole imager fractures identification. These two advance wireline tool integration have been proven as good practice to identify fractures in fracture basement play. Furthermore, this proof could also be applied for other fractured reservoirs and geothermal field which required fractures identification and the permeability profile to allow the steam or fluid injection pass through the fractures.

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