
Conceptual design to select the crude oil scheme in Kurau field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 17th Ann. Conv., 1988

Hudbay Oil (Malacca Strait) Ltd. (HOMSL) announced in August 1987 that it had applied to Pertamina-BKKA to develop the Kurau field. The Kurau Field was discovered in April 1986 when HOMSL drilled MSBG-1 to test the BG/AC structures. The field was successfully delineated with MSBG-2 drilled 1.7 km North of MSBG-1, and MSAC-1 drilled 5.75 km East of MSBG-1. Sixteen development wells are planned for the Kurau field, and production will be exported through the existing Melibur pipeline to storage facilities already installed to service production from the Lalang, Mengkapan and Melibur Fields. The Kurau field should be capable of a peak production rate of 60,000 BPD crude in 1989. HOMSL selected one oil Process scheme based on the results of thePROCESS and thePIPEPHASE computer simulation programs. This paper describes the numerous processing options considered for the development of the Kurau Field, and major details of the selected scheme.

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