
Creating value from private-public partnership during exploration

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Nations Petroleum (Rombebai) BV, an oil and gas permanent establishment legally began operations in Indonesia in 2006. Since then Nation's medical team has conducted a series of medical surveys and mass treatments and in the company's work area. The team, including doctors, laboratory specialists, nurses, and later on, midwifes and nutritionists, have conducted medical surveys and mass treatments at Tamakuri and Warembori, each in Waropen and Sarmi regencies. Since 2006, the medical team has conducted seven medical surveys and mass treatments with the coverage area expanding from one excursion to the next in the regencies, i.e. Gesa, Gesa Baru/Kerema, Bonoi, Dadat, Amitte, Yoke and Kamai.On Oct 1, 2007 Nations Petroleum (Rombebai) BV signed an MoU with the Department of Health regarding the construction of a village health center (PUSKESDES) in Tamakuri and renovation of the existing supporting health center (PUSTU) in Warembori in addition to mobile medical team activities.The MoU is effective for 6 (six) months from the date of signing until March 31, 2008. The construction of PUSKESDES and renovation of PUSTU began in mid February 2008 and completion is on April 10, 2008.To summarize, the findings indicate that the mass treatments and medical surveys have been able to reduce, even eliminate some contagious disease problems. There are at least four types of contagious diseases detected in the work area, e.g. malaria, filarial (elephantiasis), leprosy and TBC. Other common diseases are also found in the surveyed area including worms, bronchitis, diarrhea, and acute-respiratory infection (ARI).

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