
Data reconciliation and gross error detection in LPG Plant Pertamina P. Brandan : Abstract

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Evolutionary optimization of LPG Plant P. Brandan requires a computer program which can do evaluation. simulation and optimimtion of the plant The first step to execute this activity is making a data reconciliation program.Reconciliation of process measurements consists of adjusting those data in somc minimal scnse, so that the adjusted values obey the conservation laws and any other constraints imposed on the process. Thc problem is how to reconcile the measurements so that they satisfy the constraints and how to use the reconciled values to detect gross error.LPG Plant P. Brandan is one of the most complex and compact facilities that has potential of application for error detection and data reconciliation techniques LPG Plant P. Brandan consists of two main process units, which arc a comprcsscd feed gas unit and a fractionation hydrocarbon carbon unit (de-ethanizer and debutanizer).This paper describes a computcr program of data reconciliation and shows how it can be applied to reconciling mass balances and cstimating unmeasured data in LPG Plant P. Brandan. Prior to this data reconciliation process, it is important to detect, identify, and eliminate gross error contained in them.

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