
Designing And Injecting A Chemical Formulation In Fracture Carbonate Reservoir, A Case Study In The Wakamuk Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Located in Salawati Basin, Indonesia, the Wakamuk field are producing from the Miocene Kais (carbonate) formation. The field has experienced a decline in production and high water cut. Production began in 2004 and peaked at 1,456 bopd in April 2011, since then the production has declined to 139 bopd in 2017. Currently, the average of water cut is 77.5% meanwhile several producing wells have 92% to 100% water cut. A series of laboratory experiment using Wakamuk rock and fluid samples and SeMAR™ was discussed In 2015 (Pola et al.). The result showed the Miocene Kais formation is oil wet. However, after being immersed in the chemical solution, core samples become less oil wet. This test also revealed that trapped oil could be recovered using SeMAR™. To confirm the laboratory result, thus chemicals were used on huff and puff method in a pilot project. This chemical injection was performed by PT Ganesha Patra Sejahtera in March 2017 with the objective to understand the behaviour and response of the reservoir. Three wells (e.g. WKM-AA, WKM-AB and WKMAC) in Wakamuk Field have been successfully stimulated using a huff and puff technique. The production performance monitoring before and after the stimulation job was observed. The incremental oil production targeted at 8,081 bbls and was fulfilled in less than seven months periods and until the end of monitoring periods, the wells still produced above the agreed baseline. This paper discusses the design process as follows, planning of operation injection and a successful field injection of SeMAR™ formulations based on laboratory test result under reservoir condition subsurface conditions.

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