
Detailed geological modeling and structural mapping in Bekapai Field : influence on the understanding of fluid movements and implications on oil recovery

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 17th Ann. Conv., 1988

The Bekapai field is located in the Kutai Basin (Offshore Mahakam Delta). Discovered in 1972, production started in 1974. After fourteen years of production, the fluid movements induced by a strong water drive in saturated oil reservoirs with important gas caps have considerably modified the initial contacts.A new structural re-interpretation combined with more accurate geological models has been used to explain fully the history of fluid level variations in the main producing reservoirs. The ultimate aims of the study are optimization of the current production management and achievement of more oil recovery.This paper will discuss the merits of this method for improving the understanding of past and present fluid dynamics in order to forecast fluid evolution and distribution.

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