
Determination of Facies Depositional Environment and Hydrocarbon Potential Based on Outcrop

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

The Batu Besaung research area and surrounding areas are located in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. This area is in the northern city of Samarinda and the Kutei Basin is included in the Tertiary sedimentary basins. Outcrops of the Balikpapan Formation are exposed in the Batu Besaung, in the northern city of Samarinda. Sandstones in the Balikpapan Formation were investigated as reservoir rocks for hydrocarbons within a possible petroleum system. This study combines field observations, sampling and laboratory analyses. Intercalation of sandstones and carbonaceous shales with limestone interbedded in parts were observed in the field. Characteristics of these sandstones were analyzed and showed good porosity and permeability potential as a hydrocarbon reservoir based on petrography analyses. Mineralogy, lithological association and sedimentary structures indicate that this area is a shallow marine deposit and deltaic deposit. Keyword: Outcrop, Depositional Environment, Balikpapan Formation, Reservoir.

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