
Determination of fracture geometry using field data coupled with a fracture simulator

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 21st Ann. Conv., 1992

A practical analysis technique for the determination of fracture geometry using actual treatment signals has been developed using a commercial pseudo-3D fracture simulator. This simulator allows the treatment data, as well as reservoir and fluid properties, to be incorporated into the determination of fracture geometry. This analysis has been applied to typical, water-based fluid treatments using readily available surface treatment data. Although the simulator has the option to incorporate energized and foam fluids, we have not yet used it to analyze these types of jobs due to the lack of treatment bottom hole pressures and temperatures.The analysis technique has been applied to several treatments in various parts of the United States. The process involves taking treatment data (injection rate, proppant concentration, etc.) and history matching the surface treating pressure. Several practical analysis techniques are employed to enhance confidence in the resulting fracture geometry. In the case where minifracture data are available, the mini-fracture treating and falloff pressure responses are matched with the simulator to determine the corresponding reservoir parameters. Using the parameters defined from the minifrac, the main treatment is analyzed and historymatched. With the resultant fracture geometry obtained from the simulator, future treatment designs can be altered or refined to obtain the optimum fracture geometry for the reservoir.

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