
Digital Transformation for Production Enchancement and Sustainability in RH Petrogas

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

RH Petrogas started the Digital Transformation journey by digitizing hard file format into PDF and Excel document format in 2018. However, challenges remain to manage and utilize the data. For example, there are inconsistent well and facility naming conventions, unstandardized units of measurement, and different decimal precisions. These inconsistencies trigger data discrepancy across teams and when compounded may lead to wrong decisions in actions for intervention. Based on these situations, the Digital Transformation journey has continued by implementing good data governance through a Production Data Management (PDM) Platform.

RH Petrogas manages a high number of producing wells in Kepala Burung PSC and Salawati Kepala Burung PSC, located in the ‘Bird Head’ area of West Papua. The volume of production operations data to manage is significantly large and keeps increasing with time. These data are stored in excel form gathered by the field production team. Initially, processing this data required engineers to do data cleaning and formatting before use in analysis. This was repetitive manual work that took a lot of time with a high risk of human error in the process.

RH Petrogas has done a breakthrough in Digital Transformation by implementing the PDM System with Production Surveillance tool overlaid on top of it. This system implements PDM Software that follows industry standards, enables easy, fast, and reliable data capture, and provides well back allocation calculations. An average of 96%-time reduction has been achieved in data capture, reporting, and back allocation calculation process. The deployed solution has become a single truth of production operations data with high reliability and in a standardized manner. The solution includes automatic email recognition of raw report and data capture into PDM Software. Empowered with integrated production surveillance and dashboard application, the engineer can now combine well log, wellbore diagram, production performance chart, and GIS based well location in a single display to make decision faster and more confidently.

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