
Digitalization of Decommissioning Cost Estimation Process for Upstream Assets

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

The paper provides an insight on how has addressed PETRONAS has addressed its pain points on limited resources, simplified work processes with reliable auditable tool for decision making through digitalization. PETRONAS is currently performing its annual budgetary assessment for all Malaysia assets which consist of more than 300 platforms with close to 600 pipelines and other assets eg. terminals, subsea systems & floating structure. With limited timeline and resources to establish decommissioning cost, the consistency and quality is vital for estimating work to improvise process efficiency and cost effective via digitalization. The process improvement requirements are pooled and possible digitalization takeovers are studied in detail via stakeholder engagements, technical workshops and lessons learned analysis. The method is solely based on digitalization of bottoms-up cost estimation process which has been embedded in a single tool to fix and standardize all technical and commercial basis. The tool has been developed with taking into all technical and commercial aspects in decommissioning offshore assets. Twelve base options which include reefing options, cutting methodologies, cost sharing execution strategies have been embedded in the tool. Based on the digital approach, it has been proven that cost estimation process duration has been optimized up to 60% for all Class V- and Class IV decommissioning cost estimates which is equivalent to 3,600 manhours for 1000 facilities. Furthermore, consistency in cost estimation approach and robustness in developing cost estimates for multiple options for decision making has been guaranteed with the centralization cost estimating approach via digital platform. Centralized digital depository of the technical inputs, basis and assumptions are also crucial to ensure this essential data could be retrieved in the future as most decommissioning projects would only be executed during the tail end of a facility’s production life.

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