
Downhole oil and water separation - potential of a new technology

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 25th Ann. Conv., 1996

Chevron has to lift, separate, treat. and dispose of over 5 million barrels of water per day in its worldwide operations. Shutting off water production is a key area of technology development. To date, this method has only been marginally successful and often leaves reserves behind. Another approach, which was developed by C-FER (Centre for Engineering Research, Inc.), utilizes the Downhole Oil-Water Separator (trade name AQWANOTTM). The AQWANOTTM system separates oil and water downhole and lifts a concentrated oil-water stream to the surface. The separated water stream is reinjected into the formation or into a downhole disposal zone within the same wellbore. While reviewing the AQWANOTTM system, evidence is herein provided to show that downhole separation is possible. Recognizing inherent limitations a review of advantages to reduce operating and capital expense, increase recoverable reserves through reservoir flood modifications and reduction in environmental risks leads into a discussion of the possible current and future uses of this technology within the oil field.

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