
Economic evaluation of marginal, mature areas in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 20th Ann. Conv., 1991

There are a numbcr of relatively small rescrves that can be developed, reactivated and/or enhanced in Indonesia through various projects such as development of ",sub-economic", discoveries, rehabilitation of ",old", fields, secondary recovery and/or Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).Most of the marginal, relatively low cost, mature areas, however, are located in Pertamina's working arcas. The most likely contract, thcrcforc, is a JOA-JOB type. With such a contract type, the participating interest of a contractor would be 50 % albeit a full risk, and the contractor is required to carry Pertamina's interest before reaching commercial production. The question is whether any reasonable profit can be generated by this type of project.Economic evaluation has been analysed for several types of fields in Indonesia. Thc economics are serisjtivc to any variation of oil prices, opcratirig costs, production levels (recoverable reserves) and production schedule. While oil pricc is controlled by market factors that arc beyond our control, the operator should be ablc to manage the costs and production schcdule to get an acceptable value from the project.Lower costs and cxpenditures are expected by utilizing the available resources in Indonesia whereas earlier production schedule is anticipated from proven fields and mature areas. If these can be achieved, the project is economically feasible.

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