
Electronics & lightning-a study on secondary protection in the Arun Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 21st Ann. Conv., 1992

This paper discusses the problems encountered with lightning, especially the secondary effect of lightning strikes, in the Mobil Oil Indonesia Arun Field. Since 1987 Mobil has experienced three major operational disturbances caused by lightning strikes. And, though the facilities were well protected against direct strikes, the indirect effect of the lightning strikes has caused a wide range of electronic, instrumentation and communication device malfunctions.To improve the lightning protection system, MOI requested assistance from the well-recognized Foundation for Research and Industrial Affiliation (LAPI-ITB) at the Bandung Institute of Technology to study, design and jointly evaluate methods for improving the secondary protection against future lightning strikes.The phenomenon of lightning, its protection philosophy and LAPI-ITB's recommendations for improvement in protection are reviewed in this paper.

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