
Emergency Preparedness

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Exploration, drilling, production, export and support operations are undertaken across the islands and waterways on the east coast of Central Sumatra by Hudbay Oil (Malacca Strait) Ltd. (HOMSL). Although considerable efforts are made to prevent accidents and incident in these operations, preparing and planning for such events provides the means to minimize their impact and to effectively control the consequences.This paper describes HOMSLs Emergency Preparedness Plans and the results of three major exercises involving the Emergency Response Teams. It goes on to review the lessons learnt from the exercises and outlines how we plan to further develop these plans in the future.The activities during 1988 reconfirmed HOMSLs commitment to Emergency Response Planning and the training through exercises and to our belief that faster and more effective response to emergency situations is achieved by doing so.

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