
Environmental Site Assessment and Location Criteria for Rig to Reef Decommissioning in Offshore Oil and Gas: A Case Study in the Coastal Areas of DKI Jakarta and West Java, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The offshore oil and gas industry faces the challenge of decommissioning numerous non-functional platforms due to the aging of oil fields. Rig to Reef decommissioning has emerged as an environmentally friendly method, repurposing platforms to support marine life. This paper presents environmental site assessment for Rig to Reef decommissioning in the coastal areas of DKI Jakarta and West Java, Indonesia, focusing on the case study conducted by PT BMT Asia Indonesia.

The study emphasizes the importance of Post-Operation Activity (POA) and its subset, Decommissioning or Abandonment & Site Restoration (ASR). With 102 out of 630 offshore platforms requiring urgent decommissioning, the negative environmental impact and navigation hazards are driving the need for responsible decommissioning practices.

The methodology employs a descriptive exploratory approach with both quantitative and qualitative data, utilizing instruments such as Echo sounder, ADCP, water sampling tools, and GIS software. Environmental risk analysis includes a 6x5 matrix focusing on potential impacts related to safety and administrative aspects.

The study concluded that Pulau Biawak unit B was the most suitable location for platform submergence. Recommendations include detailed geophysical studies, waste management, site cleaning, and stakeholder engagement to minimize environmental impacts and ensure project success.

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