
Experience in completing multizone channel sands having formation damage potential

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 20th Ann. Conv., 1991

In 1971 Roy M. Huffington began drilling in thc Mahakam River Delta area of East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Fig. 1, 2). Badak well no. 1 was completed in February, 1972 when it tested both oil and gas reservoirs. By the time that Badak #2 was completed in May of 1975, it was apparent that the major hydrocarbon resource in the area was gas.Early well completions were in clean, thick, high permeability, and relatively shallow, channel sands which yielded high gas and condensate rates. Because of the occurrence of multiple reservoirs, dual completions were common, As field development progressed, wells were drilled and completed in progressively deeper zones. The deeper reservoirs were found to be thinner, less permeable and subject to damage from contact with fluids, resulting in completions with less deliverability than the shallower wells.In order to improve production rates for lower deliverability zones, well completion techniques wcre developed to avoid any contact of completion fluids with the reservoir sands. These completions have become rather complex in efforts to complete multiple zones in a single wellbore.

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