
Expert computer programs at the drilling rig

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Texacos Exploration, Production and Technology Division has produced several expert computer systems intended primarily to assist its drilling foremen at the rig sites. These computer programs provide specific recommendations and comments for the maintenance of specialized drilling fluids, and a few other drilling related matters, as they are practiced in our various locations. The systems are very easy to operate and are suitable for use by personnel without prior computer experience. The programs overcome the familiarblack box obstacles encountered by many conventional computer programs by providing complete explanations (upon request and in plain language) of why each bit of data is being requested and how each recommendation and conclusion was derived. This paper will discuss the original design criteria, system development, introduction of these systems to Texacos worldwide drilling operations, and our thoughts for applying computers to the drilling environment.

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