
Exploration drilling in the Mamberano region of Irian Jaya: an operations review

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

As a continuation of the unrelenting search for oil and gas accumulations, the Petroleum Industry has now turned its attention to some of the most remote and environmentally hostile areas of the world. In this context Shell recently embarked upon a major exploration driIIing campaign in the Memberamo delta region of northeast Irian Jaya. The venture, in which three wells were drilled at almost inaccessible, swamp and jungle locations, is considered to be the most complex and difficult of its type to have been undertaken by the Shell Group for some time. In particular the following complicating factors served to highlight the importance of thorough pre-planning:- Long and troublesome lines of communications and supply.- The programming of deep, high pressure 'problem' wells (one at 5000 m +).- Heavy dependence upon helicopters for rig moves and drilling support.- Establishment of a full scale operations base.- Medivac arrangements for serious illness or injury cases.Drilling of the wells was in practice extremely difficult. Severe hole problems were encountered in each case and additionally, certain logistical factors turned out worse than expected.The paper presents a full account of the various project implementation stages from first planning through to final field operations. It also sets out how particularly difficult problems were overcome and offers recommendations regarding successive operations in lrian 3aya, a region which will undoubtedly attract far greater attention in future.

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