
Exploring Baong Formation with New Perspective and its Implication for Exploration Strategy in North Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The easiest exploration strategy is by seeing a proven field and trying to look for another area with the same concept. The most successful play in the North Sumatra Basin (NSB) is stratigraphic-structural traps in Miocene carbonates build-up reservoir on rift-related paleotopographic highs, sealed by Baong Shales Formation. This paper will explain Baong Formation with Middle Baong Sandstone as a member, can be considered as a good reservoir although this unit categorized as tight reservoir. A new perspective of Middle Baong Sandstone siliciclastic reservoir are not hosted in primary porosity, but the gas reservoir are hosted by fractured Middle Baong Sandstone (MBS) units.

This study provides an integrated subsurface data from a proven field case and an analogue data from outcrop. Geological analysis from well log and various 2D seismic data combined with mudlog data, drilling report and well test analysis conduct a comprehensive evaluation in this study. The petrophysical calculation was also performed to investigate the quality of the reservoir, production performance analysis from the existing field convinces the MBS unit is an interested target to be explore. The measuring section from field outcrop data also generated to analyse the sedimentary features and quantify the dimension compared with log data. The results obtained from the evaluation; MBS Reservoir has fracture indication that influence the petrophysical properties. New prospective area also generated by this study and considered to be the next development. The fractured play in Baong Formation led us to the new exploration perspective in North Sumatra Basin.

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