
Extend Artificial Lift System (ALS) Equipment Run Life Using Continuous Chemical Injections in Moderate to Severe Corrosive Field Application

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

In the challenging environment of Field-A which is located in southern part of Oman, frequent well failures due to corrosion, primarily attributed to H2S, CO2, and temperature fluctuations, have led to frequent hoist interventions for the well failures and substantial oil production deferment. To combat this issue, the team lauched the first Corrosion Inhibitor Project in 2018. Since then, by involving continuous chemical injection, yielded a significant extension of well lifetimes and cost reduction. Additional impact to HSE and asset integrity aspect, it is also help surface pipeline’s corrosion rate dropped from 0.37 mm/year to 0.08 mm/year, resulting in significant pipeline replacement cost savings. This paper presents the remarkable impact of application of the proper corrosion inhibitor chemical plus injection system, on well integrity and production efficiency. Gilberto Rangel, Champion.

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