
Unveiling Hidden Treasures: A Pragmatic Approach to Assessing Unmapped Oil Potential in the South Mahakam Cluster, Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The South Mahakam (SMK) cluster, situated off the East Kalimantan coast, has produced gas since 2012 through 48 development wells and 19 exploration/delineation wells. Despite the primary focus on gas, oil layers were discovered within the gas reservoirs. As the gas potential declined, these oil layers were perforated, resulting in a successful oil production trial. The trial succeeded in proving the flow ability and ensuring flow assurance. This paper presents a pragmatic approach to assess the unmapped oil potential in the South Mahakam field, aiming to optimize the field's potential, prepare for upcoming oil development, and ensure a sustainable future for oil production in the region.

A pragmatic approach is implemented to assess oil resources in the South Mahakam field, which includes the mapping static data and emphasizing targeted well selection. The effectiveness of this approach is exemplified by the Jempang Metulang (JM) field, where targeted oil perforation exceeded expectations, prompting an in-depth oil study. Incorporating geological features, such as facies-based geometry and fault-related discounts, significantly enhances accuracy in assessing oil stakes within the South Mahakam cluster.

This study introduces a novel and pragmatic approach for evaluating the oil potential in the South Mahakam (SMK) Fields, which has not been previously assessed using detailed static modeling approaches. Through the integration of geological factors, such as fault proximity and reservoir geometry, the complexity and precision of the estimating procedure are significantly enhanced. The findings offer a distinctive effort to discover the untapped oil resources in the SMK Fields and provide a fundamental understanding for future development and production initiatives.

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