
Extension of The Papua New Guinea P’nyang Gas Play into the Oksibil Area of Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The P’Nyang Gas Field, located in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea, was discovered by Chevron in 1990 based on surface geological mapping. Following the drilling of four delineation wells the current operator reported reserves of 4.3 TCF (ExxonMobil, 2022). The P’Nyang Field is located on the leading edge of the Papua Fold and Thrust Belt and is on trend with the giant Muruk and Hides Fields, which have very similar structural characteristics.

Good quality seismic acquired just west of the field in 2015 shows a triangle zone and associated large back-thrusts at the leading edge of the Papua Fold and Thrust Belt at P’Nyang which are similar in form to those observed in central Papua (Indonesia). Structural mapping of the P’Nyang structures to the west of the field based on extensive seismic which covers both the foreland and mountain-front terrains demonstrates the extension of this triangle zone play fairway into Indonesia in the vicinity of Oksibil, in the far northwestern part of the previously explored Warim PSC. Surface structures observed on the carbonate massifs in the vicinity of Oksibil bear a striking similarity to P’Nyang, suggesting the presence of large gas accumulations underlying them with the potential for multi-TCF resources.

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