
Extracting reservoir properties from 3-D seismic attributes at Ubi-Sikladi fields, Central Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

3-D Seismic attributes have been correlated with reservoir properties at Ubi-Sikladi fields in Central Sumatra. Statistical analysis was first used to determine how seismic attribute(s) correlate with the reservoir property(ies). For these fields, a correlation was established between average seismic amplitude and reservoir properties that relate to the quality of reservoir sand development. Porosity, shale volume, and water saturation were among the reservoir properties modeled for these fields.Armed with this information, two techniques (direct and geostatistical) were then evaluated to determine the best way to interpolate reservoir properties using 3-D seismic attributes. This evaluation was done by systematically removing some of the 45 known control points (wells) and measuring the error between the seismically derived reservoir property and the actual property as indicated from well logs.These techniques demonstrate that the well data and seismic data can be readiIy combined to produce a reservoir property map that is more accurate than maps generated from well data alone.

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