
Fluvial-To-Deepwater Stratigraphy and Structure Development of Southern part of North Makassar Basin, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Deposition sequence in the southern part of North Makassar Basin began with non-marine fluvio-deltaic syn-rift sequence of Early Eocene or Older in age. This sequence is marked with a series of horst and graben structures interpreted to occur in Late Eocene during the extensional tectonic phase of the region. To the west, the non-marine sequence was immediately unconformable overlain by deepwater deposition. In the coastal area, this sequence was partially uplifted and eroded in Oligocene to Early Miocene. Part of the region became favorable for carbonate reef to grow. In contrast, in the deeper basin to the east, the contact between both sequences is generally difficult to differentiate seismically and thus became stratigraphically conformably though there is still major change genetically in depositional sequence. The uplift and erosion has been interpreted to occur due to activity of Paternoster Platform and perhaps followed by Adang Fault dextral movement. In Middle Miocene, Sepinggan Delta progradation sequence commenced to develop towards east. These clastic delta sequence sediments were partially mixed with some carbonate materials derived from Paternoster Platform in the southwest where the platform edge were inverted and uplifted. The delta was not well-developed, has limited extent, and ceased in late Late Miocene at the time of marine flooding, transgression, and/or basin subsidence. Major deepwater mega-sequence took place in Late Miocene dominated by marine shale deposition of thick shelf carbonate in the west with occasional carbonate reef, and carbonate debris further to the east towards deepwater settings. This shelf carbonate tends to be hiatus towards Paternoster Platform. There are several exploration plays present in this region. To the west, deltaic sand play of Sepinggan Delta and transgressive carbonate platform play with some minor patch reef. Towards deep basin, deepwater carbonate debris play and biogenic gas play are believed to be well-developed.

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