
Gas Hydrates Exploration Using Continuous Wavelet Transform Based on Spectral Decomposition

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Gas hydrates are a potential energy resource in the future, because they have more potential than existing conventional energy resources to fulfill energy demand in the future. In gas hydrates exploration using seismic methods, evaluation of BSR (Bottom Simulating Reflector) appearance in seismic profile is important to indicate a base of gas hydrates. BSR could also be a boundary between gas hydrates and free gas beneath it. The effect of BSR (Bottom Simulating Reflector) in the sea bed will give an acoustic impedance contrast between high velocity of gas hydrates bearing sediment with low velocity sedimentary. In some areas, lateral distribution of BSR is difficult to directly free gas by simply looking at seismic sections. So the purpose of the study is to apply spectral decomposition attribute that can help delineating underlying free gas and finding the position of BSR. Spectral decomposition is used in time-frequency domain based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT) which uses a mathematical Morlet wavelet that shows high frequency resolution at low frequency and high time resolution at higher frequencies. CWT uses dilatation and translation of a wavelet to produce a time-scale map. The result of this study is the time frequency on section panels and distribution map which shows the illuminated zone which has a high energy low frequency anomaly, indicating the presence of gas hydrate accumulation and a free gas reservoir right below the BSR. Keywords: BSR, continuous wavelet transform, hydrate gas, spectral decomposition

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