
Gas reservoirs in the Lower Miocene Peutu Formation, Aceh Timur, Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

The Peutu Formation crops out in foothills along the eastern margin of the Barisan Mountains. Limestone exposures vary from thin planktonic beds intercalated with shale to skeletal carbonates up to 75 m thick. These units dip eastward beneath the coastal plain, where limestone buildups reach thicknesses of 300-500 m and contain substantial gas accumulations. Reservoirs consists of vuggy porosity developed in foraminifera1 grainstones to wackestones and coral boundstones. Associated platform facies are much thinner (50 m) and consist of tight limestone, sandstone, and shale.A deep drilling program in Block-A recently confirmed the widespread distribution of gas-prone reservoirs in the Peutu Limestone. Exploration success in this play depends on:1) Field size: Presence of mounds or reefal buildups is critical to finding accumulations large enough to develop. Buildups occur on preexisting structural uplifts, and isopachs of overlying units assist in both documenting paleostructure and in showing depositional topography.2) Gas composition: Peutu reservoirs contain HzS and COz. The relatively small concentrations of HZS are manageable, but COz content varies from 6.5% to 81.5%. This C02 derives from thermal decomposition of carbonates, and highest concentrations occur where the Peutu is deeply buried and unconformably overlying Tampur dolomite or pre-Tertiary basement.

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